Prior to the release of the cybersecurity executive order, the White House posted a Presidential Policy Directive on Critical Infrastructure and Resilience. A few excerpts:
The Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience advances a national unity of effort to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure.
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It is the policy of the United States to strengthen the security and resilience of its critical infrastructure against both physical and cyber threats. The Federal Government shall work with critical infrastructure owners and operators and SLTT entities to take proactive steps to manage risk and strengthen the security and resilience of the Nation’s critical infrastructure, considering all hazards that could have a debilitating impact on national security, economic stability, public health and safety, or any combination thereof. These efforts shall seek to reduce vulnerabilities, minimize consequences, identify and disrupt threats, and hasten response and recovery efforts related to critical infrastructure.
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Three strategic imperatives shall drive the Federal approach to strengthen critical infrastructure security and resilience:
1) Refine and clarify functional relationships across the Federal Government to advance the national unity of effort to strengthen critical infrastructure security and resilience;
2) Enable effective information exchange by identifying baseline data and systems requirements for the Federal Government; and
3) Implement an integration and analysis function to inform planning and operations decisions regarding critical infrastructure.
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Effective implementation of this directive requires a national unity of effort pursuant to strategic guidance from the Secretary of Homeland Security.
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The Department of State . . . shall engage foreign governments and international organizations to strengthen the security and resilience of critical infrastructure located outside the United States . . .
The Department of Justice (DOJ), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), shall lead counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations and related law enforcement activities across the critical infrastructure sectors. DOJ shall investigate, disrupt, prosecute, and otherwise reduce foreign intelligence, terrorist, and other threats to, and actual or attempted attacks on, or sabotage of, the Nation’s critical infrastructure.
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