Cyber Exploitation

U.S. said to be target of massive cyber-espionage campaign: WashPo

Ellen Nakashima, of The Washington Post, reports that a new NIE “has concluded that the United States is the target of a massive, sustained cyber-espionage campaign that is threatening the country’s economic competitiveness.  . . .”  Moreover, the NIE names China as the number one villain.  An AP article a few weeks back explained that this NIE is actually part of an administration naming/shaming strategy designed to pressure China.  Unfortunately, I doubt that campaign will have much effect, as Adam Segal of CFR also noted.

For those critical of the US tendency to make China a boogeyman, please note that the NIE also names Russia, France, and Israel as having engaged in cyberexploitation.

Nakahsima goes on to say that a few people have pushed for an unclassified summary of the NIE.  Remember that ONCIX released this report over a year ago that also named/shamed China.

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