Current Affairs, Iran, Stuxnet, technology
Category: Current Affairs
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Current Affairs, net neutrality, Privacy, regulation
Cyber Roundup (12/22): Regulators tell banks to share cyber attack info, WH Strategy for Information Sharing, Net Neutrality bill, and more . . .
Cybersecurity research hub headed to Rome Labs: YNN
Cyber Roundup (12/21): Wikileaks to release 1 million new docs, NSA launching app for classified info, banks suffer more DDOS attacks, and more . . .
Cyber relevant portions of SecDef Panetta’s 12/18 speech
Hacker Group Touts 1.6 Million Password Dump To Protest UN Internet Regulation: Forbes
Hacker Group Touts 1.6 Million Password Dump To Protest UN Internet Regulation: Forbes
Current Affairs, Cyber Command, international law, Legislation