Constitution, critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, Law, NSA, Privacy, surveillance, technology, terrorism
Category: cyber attack
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critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, NSA
Cyber Roundup: Technology to negatively impact the future job market; China’s Internet disruptions; What to do with Snowden
Criticism, Current Affairs, cyber attack, deterrence, hackback, IT security, technology
The Argument for a Defense-centric Cyber Strategy
critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, education, IT security, technology
Launching Cyber Attacks Through a Computer’s “Sonic Signature”
Current Affairs, cyber attack, IT security, Law, Legislation
Cybersecurity Subcommittee Passes NCCIP
Current Affairs, cyber attack, Cyber Exploitation, IT security, technology
“Javafog”: Icefog Exploits Java Vulnerability
critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, education, future, Law, Legislation, Official Policy, Privacy, technology
Cyber Roundup: Russia’s Cyberstrategy Open for Comment; UK Launches “Cyber Streetwise” Campaign; Apple Co-Founder Speaks on Behalf of Xiaomi, Inc.
Current Affairs, cyber attack, IT security
USA Today: “The Case for Forecasting Cyberattacks”
Current Affairs, cyber attack, education, future, Privacy, social media, technology
Cyber Roundup: Photos, Identification, and Corneas; Google Chromium Introduces Encrypted Cookie Feature; SEA Hacks Microsoft
Constitution, critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, IT security, Law, Legislation, NSA, Privacy, regulation, surveillance, technology